Our expert forum provides information to health professionals - doctors, pharmacists, non-medical practitioners, nutritionists, drug makers and others working in the healthcare professions, as well as the specialist press - about scientific backgrounds, professional opinions and scientific events.
On the following themes you can find opinions and written reports of our experts from the Scientific Advisory Board here:
by Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Schmidt
by Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Schmidt
by Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Schmidt
by Prof. Dr. Med. Hilmar Stracke
by Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Kisters
by Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Schmidt
by Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Schmidt
by Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Georg Classen
by Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Georg Classen
by Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Georg Classen
by Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Kisters
by Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Schmidt
by Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Georg Classen
by Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Georg Classen
by Prof. Dr. med. Hilmar Stracke
by Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Schmidt
by Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Schmidt